The Gnashing of the Brain Stem



Even my e mails are poetry

Electrical fillips that tingle the brain

And you will never ascertain

The leonine logic of my disdain


There is in every heart a stain

Of blood so blue its freezing cold

You know the story it’s been told

How sadness, evil, grows enfolds


The mediocre people polled

The mendacity, prized, enthroned

The wisest men pilloried, stoned

The sages true quietly groaned


The last line’s trite you telephoned

The sad descent of this a poem

Not premeditated, phlegm

But visceral pangs from my brain stem


Copyright, David Gottfried, 2013


Ode to the Mind



To cerebrate, to ideate, to while away the hours

To reduce and deduce the flotsam into gems

To irradiate and penetrate with cognitive powers

Marching forward from ape-ish brain stems


To conjure, connote to fabricate a fashion

Of flowers, of parasols, of lanes of pennied plenty

To transform delusion into righteous reason

And make stale reason patent heresy


To twist, to torture, every twig of facts

To make a dead leaf ripple like the sea

To take separate branches and weld them into pacts

And build and burnish the most majestic tree


Metaphors are Petit fours the mind loves to eat

Sugary sensations that makes the dull retreat

To turn A to B is the elemental passion

So furious, so foul, my nuclear fission


Copyright, David Gottfried, 2013

Read my Prose


When will someone read my prose

More succulent than the English rose

All they read is my poetry

Scribblings of obscurity


When will someone heal my woes

A ghoulish thing that hatefully glows

The anode and cathode of my battery

Are rusted and weary and I cease to be


This verse approaches daily new lows

Debauchered as a man in pantyhose

When I rhyme, the meter is wee

When I’m rhythmic, rhyme has no glee


So open your mind and just enclose

My essays where the north wind blows

And sweeps aside the fallacy

And phantoms and fools of calumny


What will I relate, disclose

When will mountains be meadows

What truth torn to heresy

What lie will rise to verity


I will write and I won’t pose

I’ll shout my sermon in bellicose blows

With tenacity and temerity

I stalk the gang plank to mortality


Copyright, David Gottfried, 2013

My Angry Poetry



My Angry Poetry


Pardon me if I reject a poetic norm

Appear didactic, not too warm

My interest is my brainy storm

Not a sweet aesthetic form


Oh I’ll give you meters rhymed

But my quatrains are assigned

To espouse ideas divined

To this purpose I’m consigned


An exposition rather rude

Follow the root; look at the nude

Over the beastly I will brood

Do you have the fortitude


Or will you simply turn away

Pretend you’re on some holiday

Subsist on art that will not bray

As meek as children’s harmless play


Copyright, David Gottfried, 2000

David Bowie




I hear David Bowie’s voice playing with my cock

He strokes it, and he provokes it

And his raspy, shaved white skin

Gives it a vicious tickle


But he’s Betty Davis in Of Human Bondage

He’s a fucking bitch

And the tentacles of his spiderman sophistry

Suddenly squeeze my balls

And bind them to a leper messiah


Multiplied to the tenth power of perversion

Galavanting Godiva, Seer of the Sissies

His steeds charge into orifices everywhere

Expanding and revamping in his own image


And thirty years later all the hordes of bleach blond boys

Radiating their own special brew of highly combustible faggotry

Spiked with speed and salivating for success

Make David Bowie seem pitifully tame.


Copyright, David Gottfried, 2005

Just Fooling Around with Words



(Inspired by the “chance, dance” rhyme scheme in “Get it On,” a song by the rock group T Rex)


It was quite a mesalliance

To be wed to Frothy France

For the Prussians they will prance

Upon Paris in a trance


We must thwart their advance

And Assume a stoic stance

With a dagger and a lance

We’ll quash their entrance


And When we charge we dance

In underwear by elance

The penile glans is in the manse

And we dare to take a chance


With a very haughty glance

Like a seer at a séance

We’ll avoid happenstance

And wear the tightest pants


Copyright, David Gottfried, 2012

I am the Lord Iambic

I am, I am, I am the Lord Iambic

I’m big, I’m broad, I’m mesomorphic strong

My words, denuded, the essence of the sonic

Like Rock, the rhythm is holy wrong


It’s measured, metered, precise as Math

Skewers, puts in sewers, that unaesthetic drool

And it does it so it feels like hell’s wrath

No, it never suffers the fool


It’s English, it’s bourbon, it’s beef and scotch and smoke

It’s satin, so satin — so satin it is sainted

Raise your glass, drop some acid, come and take a toke

It’s cool, fucking cool and you almost fainted


It’s Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Verbal hallucinations of lemon custard pie

Like Lennon knew Byron on a distant planet

These, the words, my master takes me high

Copyright, David Gottfried, 2012

Hope and Poems


I wanted to write a sonnet

That singed like a comet

Dramatic, screaming damn it

Worth fourteen gold karat


I wanted to write a play

Be the Hellman of today

My scenes would inveigh

And sear and scorch and splay


I wanted to write a polemic

Pummeling and prophetic

A prince of the heretic

With an acid hot aesthetic


I’d write a manifesto

A brazen, furious bellow

As sonorous as a cello

As fresh as springtime’s meadow


But all I write are quatrains

That every teacher disdains

But my sentiments are not feigned

The pain is true and engrained


Copyright, David Gottfried, 2003

For Writers LIke the Psychoanalyst Erik Erickson



You do not speak to communicate

You speak to deride

To stylishly savage and strangulate

To that end, you abide


You do not write to edify

You write to intimidate

Every word an urbane lie

Sophistry is your signal trait


The prose is regnant and richly endowed

Supercilious, smug and very proud

It need not speak in a voice that’s loud

It deafens by strewing a heavy shroud


Sometimes its voice is only a purr

But it leaves our dreams a dying ember

Something to archly chastise, inter

Read some more and this will recur


It proceeds with infallible argument

As true as a Papal pronouncement

A stern and solid impediment

Like a bleak and hard tenement


Innuendos, asides, are airy and snide

Defenses you swiftly erode and debride

Bursting with blithe, insufferable pride

Your essay’s complete, and heart you’ll elide


Copyright, David Gottfried, 2003

Learning to Hate Culture


When I was six My Mother enrolled the two of us

In a course in BrooklynCollege.

“Mothers and children learn French together”

How faggy can you get


So she ripped me out of the womb

of Saturday Morning Cartoons

And pretended that she was Jackie Kennedy

(My Father and JFK had just died)

Having Pate on a Bagel in Flatbush


And when She practiced French

She sounded as if she were having a bowel movement

Her vowelled histrionics urging and purging

Regurgitating like a parody of Edith Piaf

Compensating for constipation

Exhaling aroma of goyische French cheese

All day long


The final consonants were like little kids

To be seen and not heard

Looking pretty, languishing at the end of a sentence

While four vowels:

A blooming bellied pregnant O

A fallopian U

A busty A

And an engineering E

Got together and made one vociferous roar



And then it was time for the babies to sing:


After mommy and her fat pals had an hour of

Voweled hallelujia Catharsis

We children were supposed to sing

Something called Frarer Jocker

That’s the best spelling  I can think of

I didn’t know what a Frarer was

But I could tell he was a Fairy


Then the babies came to the City to See Culture


Something silly and frilly like Caroline in a fluffy

White Dress in Hyannisport

A punch and judy show

Where we were supposed to believe the puppets were real

To cry and go ooh and ah for a wrinkled, tattered cloth

To suspend all logic and act

Like a little girl



And I never could tell why the audience had to pay

To be forced to keep quiet

While Actors got to have temper tantrums on the stage

Their Loud make-up glaring at me like neon signs

The actresses a tribe of loud witches

The actors underemployed castratos who learned to sing

Frarer jocker


But nothing was as horrible as Opera


Viking vowelled Empresses Marching from Berlin

Or Rome, or some other place where they killed Jews


They hold a note for seventeen excruciating seconds

Screaming:  Suffer and keep on suffering we won’t let you go

(Nu, so what’s intellectual about this)


And so I learned to hate all forms of culture except

The written word


Copyright, David Gottfried, 1999